I. Preface:
- DevelopmentalHerpetology - state of the art of amphibian and reptiledevelopmentalbiology
Jacek Z. Kubiak and MalgorzataKloc
II. History&Perspectives:
- A view of amphibianembryologyduringthelastcentury
John B. Gurdon
- Snakes: hatching of a modelsystemfor Evo-Devo?
Isabel Guerreiro and Denis Duboule
III. Developmentalfeatures:
- Expression of aromatase in theembryonicbrain of the olive ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelysolivacea), and theeffect of bisphenol-A in sexuallydifferentiatedembryos
Patsy Gómez-Picos, Itzel Sifuentes-Romero, Horacio Merchant-Larios, Rubí Hernández-Cornejo, Verónica Díaz-Hernández and Alejandra García-Gasca
- Comparativeanalysis of pleurodiran and cryptodiranturtleembryosdepictsthe molecular groundpattern of theturtlecarapacialridge
Juan Pascual-Anaya, TatsuyaHirasawa, Iori Sato, ShigehiroKuraku and ShigeruKuratani
- zfp36 expressiondelineatesbothmyeloidcells and cellslocalizedtothefusing neural folds in Xenopustropicalis
MaudNoiret, Serge Hardy and YannAudic
- Mechanisms of amphibianmacrophagedevelopment: characterization of theXenopuslaeviscolony-stimulating factor-1 receptor
LeonGrayfer, Eva-StinaEdholm and Jacques Robert
- Control of timing of embryonic M-phaseentry and exitisdifferentiallysensitiveto CDK1 and PP2A balance
Mohammed El Dika, DamianDudka, Claude Prigent, Jean-Pierre Tassan, MalgorzataKloc and Jacek Z. Kubiak
- Epithelialcelldivision in theXenopuslaevisembryoduringgastrulation
Guillaume Hatte, Marc Tramier, Claude Prigent and Jean-Pierre Tassan
- Activinligands are requiredforthe re-activation of Smad2 signallingafterneurulation and vascular development in Xenopustropicalis
YukiNagamori, Samantha Roberts, MarissaMaciej and KarelDorey
- Intracellularlocalizations of theDeadEndprotein in Xenopus primordial germcells
AyakaTaguchi, KenjiWatanabe and HidefumiOrii
- Left-rightpatterning in Xenopusconjoinedtwinembryosrequiresserotoninsignaling and gap junctions
Laura N. Vandenberg, Douglas J. Blackiston, Adam C. Rea, Timothy M. Dore, and Michael Levin
- Activation of spleentyrosinekinase (Syk) at fertilization in Rhinellaarenarumeggs
Valeria S. Mouguelar and Gabriela Coux
- Bidder’sorgan – structure, development and function
Rafal P. Piprek, MalgorzataKloc and Jacek Z. Kubiak
- Transitionfromembryonictoadult epidermis in reptiles occursbytheproduction of corneous beta-proteins
Lorenzo Alibardi
IV. Application of bioinformatictools and new methods:
- Comparativeexpressionanalysis of cysteine-rich intestinal proteinfamilymembers crip1, 2 and 3 duringXenopuslaevisembryogenesis
AnnemarieHempel and Susanne J. Kühl
- Optogenetics in DevelopmentalBiology: using light to control ion flux-dependentsignals in Xenopusembryos
Dany Spencer Adams, Joan M. Lemire, Richard H. Kramer and Michael Levin
- Reptilegenomes open thefrontierforcomparativeanalysis of amniotedevelopment and regeneration
Marc Tollis, Elizabeth D. Hutchins and KenroKusumi
- In silicoidentification of the genes forsperm-egginteraction in theinternalfertilization of thenewtCynopspyrrhogaster
AkihikoWatanabe and ErikoTakayama-Watanabe
- Thegenomesequence of thecornsnake (Pantherophisguttatus), a valuableresourceforEvoDevostudies in squamates
Asier Ullate-Agote, Michel C. Milinkovitch and Athanasia C. Tzika
V. Evolutionaryaspects:
- Amnioteyolksacs: diversity in reptiles and a hypothesisontheirorigin
Richard P. Elinson, James R. Stewart, Laurie J. Bonneau and Daniel G. Blackburn
- Digitevolution in gymnophthalmidlizards
Juliana G. Roscito, Pedro M.S. Nunes and Miguel T. Rodrigues
- Evolution of maternal eggsizeeffects in sistersalamanderspecies
- Theimportance of cartilagetoamphibiandevelopment and evolution
Christopher S. Rose
- Evolutionarytrendformetameryreduction and gonadshortening in Anuransrevealedbycomparison of gonaddevelopment
Rafal P. Piprek, Anna Pecio, MalgorzataKloc, Jacek Z. Kubiak and Jacek M. Szymura
- Evolution of viviparousreproduction in Paleozoic and Mesozoic reptiles
Daniel G. Blackburn and Christian A. Sidor
- Integratingdevelopmentalbiology and thefossil record of reptiles
TomaszSkawinski and MateuszTalanda