Vega, Rubén; Díaz, Irene (coords.)
This volume brings together around thirty texts conceived using tools from History, Sociology, Geography, Art History, Philology... and anchored in experiences referring mainly to Asturias, but also to the Basque Country, Catalonia, Madrid , in Spain, as well as contributions from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Italy, the United Kingdom, France and Germany. It seeks to relate material aspects with intangible ones, explore narratives and collective memories and incorporate cultural and artistic manifestations as part of the same process. Relate an industrial past to possible post-industrial futures and see to what extent it constitutes an asset in terms of collective identities, cultural heritage and material and immaterial resources or whether it contains a traumatic nature. In short, the proposal aims to (re)think deindustrialization, trying to encompass its complexity and open up to a more complete understanding of its multiple facets. It intersects oral testimonies, identities, traces of struggles and processes of memory construction; combines the reuse and resignification of industrial spaces with the territorial effects of decay and transformations of work; It addresses ways of approaching industrial heritage around the world and descends to specific cases of musealization and heritage; addresses literary, cinematographic, musical, plastic and performing arts creation that revolves around the traces of the industrial past and the consequences of deindustrialization.